When you set up a recurring plan, you can charge an initial, one-time, up-front amount (for example a deposit on a rental unit) and then charge a different amount that recurs. In order to add an up-front amount:
1) Create a new payment form (or find the form you'd like to edit)
2) As you're creating or editing your payment form, find the Frequency section and choose Recurring.
3) Choose Yes to the question, "Include an upfront one-time amount?"
4) Enter the Amount and a description for the Upfront Amount. If are setting up recurring checkouts with delayed starts (for example, there is a trial period), you can choose whether you'd like the Upfront amount to be charged as soon as the payer checks out or when the plan starts.
If plan starts immediately, upfront amount will be charged immediately regardless of selection.
5) Once you've finished editing or creating your payment form, click Save or Save & Finish.