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Using MoonClerk
Using MoonClerk

Step-by-step instructions on how to use MoonClerk

How do I create a payment form?
How do I preview what my payment form looks like?
How do I edit an existing payment form?
How do I gather additional custom information from payers on one of my payment forms?
How do I charge an up-front, one-time amount on a recurring plan?
How do I place a link to one of my payment forms on my website?
How do I embed one of my payment forms inside my website?
How do I use a QR code to send payers to my payment form?
How do I send a link to one of my payment forms?
How do I edit or change the amount I have listed on a payment form?
How do I accept ACH (bank account) payments?
How do I give my payers the option to pay a fee or choose an add-on?
How do I ask for a shipping address at checkout?
How do I set a specific date on a payment form that recurring plans will start on?
How do I manually disable one of my payment forms?
How do I limit the number of successful checkouts that can occur on a payment form?
How do I format the amount options to be radio buttons or drop downs?
How do I disable a checkout after a certain date?
How do I verify US-based addresses at checkout?
How do I set which country or countries appear in the address field?
How do I pin forms to the top of the form listing page?
How do I hide disabled forms?
How do I display a custom message when a checkout is disabled?
How do I require my payers to agree to my Terms of Service when they check out?
How do I set a trial period before a payer's card is charged?
How do I delete a payment form?
How do I duplicate or clone an existing payment form?
How do I redirect payers to a web page that I designate after they finish checking out?
How do I display a confirmation message after a payer checks out?
How do I "suggest" amounts for payers to choose from, but still let them enter their own amount?
How do I set a specific day of the week or month that my payer will be charged?
How do I set the recurring frequency on one of my payment forms?
How do I set the duration or expiration for a recurring plan on one of my payment forms?
How do I let my payers choose their own recurring options (frequency, charge date, expiration)?
How do I set multiple fixed prices/amounts that payers can choose from on my payment form?
How do I add additional fees (such as shipping, taxes, or surcharges) to a payment form?
How do I organize my payment forms with tags?
How do I view the tags for my forms?