How do I add the crowdfunding extension in my MoonClerk account?
How do I create a crowdfunding campaign?
How do I view what my crowdfunding campaign page looks like?
How do I share my crowdfunding campaign?
How do I redirect my supporters back to the campaign page after they have completed the checkout process?
How do I manually add offline funding or payments that didn't come from a MoonClerk checkout?
How do I view all of the payments that are part of the funding of a specific crowdfunding campaign?
How do I set goal amounts and end dates for crowdfunding campaigns?
How do I connect a MoonClerk payment form to a crowdfunding campaign?
How do I style the design of crowdfunding campaigns?
How do I check the progress towards the goal of a specific crowdfunding campaign?
How do I edit an already created crowdfunding offline payment that didn't come from a MoonClerk checkout?
How do I edit an existing crowdfunding campaign?
How do I remove the crowdfunding extension in my MoonClerk account?