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Find definitions for the language you see in your MoonClerk account
What does "Plan" or "Recurring Plan" mean?
What does “Payer Portal” mean?
What does "Trial Period" mean?
What is an "Up-front Amount"?
What do "Invoice Line Items" on an invoice mean?
What does "Account Balance" mean?
What does "ACH" mean?
What does "Closed" on an invoice in your MoonClerk account mean?
What does "Coupon" mean?
What does "Paid" on an invoice in your MoonClerk account mean?
What does "Attempted" on an invoice in your MoonClerk account mean?
What does "Discount" mean?
What do the different payment statuses mean?
What does "Invoice" mean?
What does "Refund" mean?
What do the different recurring plan statuses mean?
What does "Next Payment Attempt" mean?
What does "First Payment Attempt" mean?
What does "Checkout Date" mean?
What does "Card Processing Fee" mean?
What does "Theme" mean?
What does "Payment" mean?
What does "Fee" mean?
What does "Form" or "Payment Form" mean?
What does "Duration" mean?
What does "Recurring Day" mean?
What does "Checkout" mean?
What does "Recurring Period" mean?
What does "Expiration" (on a plan) mean?
What does "Payer" mean?
What does “Team Member” mean?